Sebastiane Ebatamehi

Sebastiane Ebatamehi

77 posts

I give a voice to the hushed whispers and silent echoes that often remain unheard. iWRITE

  Oct 24, 2023

Can Neocolonialism Stop Africa's Rise?

Africa has witnessed two military coups in two months. In July, Niger's military ousted President Bazoum. Later, in August, Gabon saw a military takeover, in which the armed forces ousted the recently re-elected president and named General Brice Oligui Nguema, as interim leader....

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  Oct 24, 2023

What We are Witnessing in Africa is Not Anti-Colonial Revolution

Let us stop celebrating coups aimed at furthering the interests of a few military elites as acts of anti-imperialist resistance; Tafi Mhaka writes...

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  Oct 23, 2023

Opposition Drags Nigeria's President Tinubu to Court

The Election Petition Court had previously ruled that both opposition candidates failed to substantiate their argument....

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  Oct 23, 2023

African and Caribbean stakeholders Call for Immediate Slavery Reparations

Representatives from various African and Caribbean entities joined forces at a historic event this week in the capital of Barbados, Bridgetown, to demand reparations for slavery and its legacy in today's society....

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  Oct 23, 2023

Critics Accuse Rhodes Trust for Celebrating Slavery and Colonialism

A prestigious Oxford University scholarship programme has been accused of celebrating its colonial history....

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  Oct 23, 2023

Why Mobile Money Users in Tanzania are Returning to Cash Payments?

Several sub-Saharan African governments are imposing high taxes on mobile money services, a...

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