Apr 15, 2024

Rampant Sale of Stolen Medicines in Liberia's Pharmacies, USAid Reports

According to Wright, these "acts of fraud" are preventing essential medicines, meant to be free for the public, from reaching Liberians who are in need....

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  Apr 15, 2024

Surges in Monkey Pox in DR Congo Forces Experts into a `Crisis Management` Meeting

"For the first time, we have confirmed cases of sexual transmission of MPOX in the DRC. Given its severity and widespread impact across almost every province, we are facing a public health emergency," stated Muyembe....

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  Apr 11, 2024

Kenya Follows Nigeria in Issuing Urgent Recall for Contaminated Cough Syrup

The warning was quickly disseminated through Kenya's PPB, which confirmed the presence of the harmful substance through its testing processes....

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  Apr 11, 2024

Nigeria Issues Recall for Children's Cough Syrup Due to High Toxicity Levels

Diethylene glycol, known for its use in industrial applications such as antifreeze and as a solvent, has been detected at levels classified as having "an unacceptable high level" of toxicity....

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  Apr 06, 2024

Sierra Leone Declares National Public Health Emergency

"The deadly Kush, which knows no boundaries of class, ethnicity, gender, or religion, is taking a devastating toll on our communities," President Bio stated...

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