Sebastiane Ebatamehi

Sebastiane Ebatamehi

77 posts

I give a voice to the hushed whispers and silent echoes that often remain unheard. iWRITE

  Nov 20, 2023

8 African Leaders Who Are Agents of Neo-Colonialism

Neocolonialism is the use of economic, political, cultural, or other means to control or influence other countries, especially former dependencies....

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  Nov 18, 2023

Wealth of Africa's Richest Man Increases By $2.3 Billion

The spike in his fortunes for the second year running is as a result of his profit from his cement manufacturing unit...

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  Nov 18, 2023

Revealed: Ugandan Govt. Deploys Israeli Spy Tool to Hack Citizen’s Phones

Interestingly, the attacks have been linked to the powerful Israeli cyber espionage tool, Pegasus....

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  Nov 16, 2023

All You Need to Know About Black History Month

The observance first received official government recognition in the United States and Canada....

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  Nov 16, 2023

How the 1897 Bini Massacre Exposed the Shameful Intentions of British Colonialism

Contrary to what is generally portrayed, the colonial masters did not develop Africa or save the continent from destroying itself...

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  Nov 01, 2023

Has King Charles III Calmed About Colonial Abuse in Africa?

King Charles III made a historic visit to Kenya, acknowledging the atrocities committed during British colonial rule while stopping short of issuing an official apology....

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