Aug 06, 2024

U.S. Abandons Niger Drone Base Amid Growing Influence of Terror Groups in the Sahel

The United States has officially completed its withdrawal from a $110 million drone base in Agadez, Niger, marking the latest in a series of Western military retreats from the Sahel region....

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  Aug 05, 2024

14 Ugandan Opposition Officials Arrested and Charged for Protesting Against Kenya's Detention and Deportation of Colleagues

Ugandan police arrested 14 opposition officials and supporters as they marched to the Kenyan embassy in Kampala to protest Kenya's detention and deportation of their colleagues....

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  Aug 05, 2024

M23 Rebels Capture Uganda-Congo Border Town in Eastern DR Congo

M23 rebels seized Ishasha, a border town in DR Congo's North Kivu province, without resistance on Sunday, the same day a cease-fire with Rwanda was meant to begin....

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  Aug 04, 2024

Deadly Attack on Mogadishu Beach Hotel Claims 37 Lives, Wounds Over 200

Somalia's capital Mogadishu was rocked by a devastating terrorist attack on Friday, as militants targeted a popular beach hotel, leaving at least 37 people dead and 212 others wounded....

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  Aug 03, 2024

Ethiopian PM Reveals Ongoing Talks with Amhara Rebels, But Challenges Persist

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced on Friday that his government has been engaged in negotiations with armed militias in the Amhara region, aiming to peacefully resolve the ongoing conflict....

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  Aug 02, 2024

Deadly Clash in Northern Mali: Separatists Claim Heavy Casualties Among Wagner Group and Government Forces

The Strategic Framework for the Defense of the People of Azawad (CSP-DPA), a separatist alliance, claims to have killed 84 Wagner fighters and 47 Malian soldiers during three days of intense fighting near the Algerian border....

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