Sebastiane Ebatamehi
107 posts
I give a voice to the hushed whispers and silent echoes that often remain unheard. iWRITE
Nov 24, 2023
Meet Benjamin Banneker, the Black Scientist Who Discovered Cicadas
Benjamin Banneker was a renowned polymath, astronomer, almanac author, and Black intellectual who...
Nov 24, 2023
10 Tallest Buildings in Africa
Standing at 223-meter-tall skyscraper, the building is a replica of the famous One Seneca Tower in Buffalo, New York – also built-in 1973....
Nov 22, 2023
Top 10 Hospitals in Africa 2021
Many critics and observers expressed surprise at how the continent was able to handle the Ebola outbreak, and currently tackling the spread of Covid-19....
Nov 22, 2023
6 Similarities Between Muammar Gaddafi and Kwame Nkrumah
To fully appreciate their legacies and learn from them as a people, Africans and students of African history should try to judge each event and decision made by Gaddafi and Nkrumah independently....
Nov 20, 2023
Why Facebook Should Adopt an African Meaning for META
In his October 28, 2021 announcement, Zuckerberg explained that despite the adoption of META....
Nov 20, 2023
6 Similarities Between Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.
King had a dream that slow and steady his dream of racial segregation would end, but Malcolm felt no dream would come to pass if Blacks did stand and fight....